Remember that dreaded question, “What’s your story about?” If you’ve developed a premise for your story, you’ll be able to answer that question in a single sentence and you’ll do so in a way that intrigues the listener and leaves them wanting more. In short, developing your story’s premise means you’re able to explain the story’s plot in simple terms. No glazed eyes in sight!
Beyond answering this question from family, friends and acquaintances, you’ll be able to network confidently with other writers, pitch your manuscript (once you’ve written it) at conferences, prepare an engaging submission letter, entice reviewers to read your book, and hook your audience.
Most importantly, having your story’s premise at the forefront of your mind will keep you focused as you write. You’ll know exactly what you’re working towards and what you need to achieve. You’ll be able to write forward knowing that your story is one that has your message at its core. You’ll be much less likely to write yourself into a corner or realise when you’ve finished your manuscript that it just doesn’t work. Such is the power of the premise!