Story Fundamentals – Story Roadmap: Submission 3
- Ensure you’ve saved your completed Story Fundamentals Workbook #6 as a Word document to your local computer as [Firstname.Lastname]_SFworkbook6, e.g. LibbyIriks_SFworkbook6.
- If you have made revisions to Workbook #5, ensure you save it to your local computer as [Firstname.Lastname]_SFworkbook5_Revised, e.g. LibbyIriks_SFworkbook5_Revised.
- Upload the document/s via the Assignments box at the bottom of this page.
- Click on the link below to book your coaching call at a time that suits you.
- Hang tight! You will not to be able to move forward in the program while your work is in review.
- Keep an eye out for an email notification alerting you to a comment on this page to say your feedback has been uploaded to our shared Google folder.
- Review your feedback, making notes and jotting down questions in preparation for our coaching call.
- Once we’ve discussed your feedback, make any necessary revisions and keep an eye out for another notification to say your assignment has been approved. You will then have access to the next section of the program.