Story Fundamentals #1: The Basics
If you want to learn how to write a great romance, a story that means something, a story with heart, then this is the place to start. Build a strong foundation for your romance novel with this self-paced course.
Story Fundamentals #2: The Framework
Once you've completed Story Fundamentals #1, enrol in this self-paced course to deepen your understanding of how to construct a good romance and build a meaningful framework for your story's plot.
Story Fundamentals #3: The Roadmap
Once you've completed Story Fundamentals #1 and #2, enrol in this self-paced course to learn how to use story structure and character development to construct a meaningful plot for your story.
Story Fundamentals #1-3 (Course Bundle)
Develop your romance novel idea into a complete and detailed story outline, one that will serve as your roadmap when you sit down to write the first or next draft of your manuscript.