Let’s do this! –>

In your workbook, answer the following questions about your protagonist:

  • What is my protagonist’s character archetype?
    • How do other characters see my protagonist?
  • Who is my protagonist? 
    • Write one paragraph. Include details of personality, occupation, relationships, backstory, current situation.
  • What is my protagonist’s most firmly held belief?
    • Include details about why your protagonist has such a firm belief in this truth?
  • What is my protagonist’s misbelief? 
    • Include details about how your protagonist came to believe this lie?
  • What is my protagonist’s most prominent positive trait?
    • How does this present as strengths in my protagonist?
    • How does this present as flaws in my protagonist?
  • What is my protagonist’s most prominent negative trait?
    • How does this present as strengths in my protagonist?
    • How does this present as flaws in my protagonist?
  • What is my protagonist’s external GMC?
    • What does my protagonist want (external goal)?
    • Why does my protagonist want it?
    • What’s standing in my protagonist’s way?
  • What is my protagonist’s internal GMC?
    • What does my protagonist want (internal goal)?
    • Why does my protagonist want it?
    • What’s standing in my protagonist’s way?
  • What will my protagonist’s character development look like?
    • Who is my protagonist at the beginning of the story?
    • What must my protagonist learn?
    • How will my protagonist change/grow as a person?
    • Who will my protagonist be at the end of the story?